• Talkies - Southbank and Foyles

    In the spirit of being a rapid response outfit The XDs also runs a number of different types of pop-up events - happenings, experiences, head jams, smash and grabs, rumbles - call them what you will!

    Three things mark them out - the quality of whoever's talking, the playful and interactive nature of the event itself, and the fact that whatever goes on stays with you for a few days too and provides a point of happy reflection.

    Events we've run include the sell out Making of Meaning series at The Southbank Centre. With the help of some great speakers we explored what meaning making is across different disciplines - what matters most to user experience designers, philosophers, neuroscientists, musicians and artists, software developers and so on.

    Other brainfood type events The XDs has run include a very interactive session at Foyles Bookshop where we staged two sometimes ferocious, sometimes tender domestic arguments about what's meaningful and why. The proceeds from the event went towards a library fund for a local school.

    From time to time we get invited to speak at other people's events too, for example, with the London chapter of the UXPA.
    Another one we're proud of was the DBA's
    DBA's session where we shared the stage with some real heroes - people like Martin Lambie-Nairn, Chairman & Creative Director at Red&White.